Cleveland's own Kickdrums have been a favorite of mine for some time... Though I haven't had the pleasure of seeing them yet. I've been meaning to post this video for a couple weeks now, but today is the day. Particularly because I also just found out that they are offering up a 3 volume mix-tape called the Indio Sessions (Coachella). Dont' really have much of a story behind it - but it's got some amazing artists. And if they mixed this as well as they mix their own stuff - watch out:
Kickdrums Make a Three-Part Mixtape
Cleveland's supercool DJ team the Kickdrums have just released a three-part mixtape called The Indio Sessions.
The mixes, which you can downlaod here, are based on the Coachella music fest, so there's plenty of music-snob-approved tunes and artists.
MGMT, Passion Pit, Spoon and Yeasayer all make appearances.
Seriously — you should go download them now. You'll be cooler than Hipster Kitty.—Michael Gallucci (follow me on Twitter @mgallucci)
[From Kickdrums Make a Three-Part Mixtape | C-Notes: Scene's Music Blog | Cleveland Scene]
Now for the video...
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